Friday, November 8, 2013

What My First Paleo Week Was Like

Tomorrow will be my official weigh in.  Here are my thoughts on the past week.

  1. I was the only one in my house to completely switch to paleo. (and that's ok.  I wasn't as tempted as I thought I would be.)
  2. I could tell a big difference in my clarity of mind and ability to stay calm in situations that normally would have sent me over the edge.
  3. I realized that one of my biggest concerns (being a picky girl with texture issues) was that I wouldn't have enough "ok" foods to be satisfied.  I'm still working on this one, BUT, I also realize that the foods I was putting in to my body otherwise weren't healthy or "ok" choices.  It's hard to explain, but it makes sense in my head. ;)
  4. Even someone who doesn't like veggies and fruit can make a stab at this and see how it works out.
  5. I am looking forward to date night tomorrow and my cheat meal.  I'm debating how much I want to "cheat' because I know that I'll feel cruddy after I do. 
So, what did I eat?
Everything we ate this week was great.  I'd put it all on the menu again.  Some of the meals were:
Pork Roast with Mashed Parsnips
Butternut Squash Soup (topped with walnuts) with Almond Biscuits
Pumpkin Muffins for Snacks & Breakfast
Rotissiere Chicken (used carcass for broth for the soup) and sweet potato rounds
Italian Sausage and Sweet Potato with peas (shown in photo above)

Definitely didn't go hungry and I felt way better serving my family real food again.  The kids are not on board yet, but I am hopeful that the more we just serve food in a "this is what you get" mentality, they'll eventually adapt.  I do add fruit and a carb to their plate to help transition them in to trying something new.

For me?  I pushed myself once or twice to do an apple dipped in almond butter.  That's WAY out of my zone!  And kept some Lara bars on hand.  I am planning to try and make my own for the upcoming week.

And tea.  I'm not cutting the sugar out completely at the moment so sometimes, during the day, instead of eating, I would just make tea.  I swapped out creamer with unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

What did I love about this week?  My energy level, how easy it was to fall asleep (and I was actually tired earlier in the evening) and not counting calories.

I hope that helps!  Do you have any favorite wheat & dairy free family meals?  I'd love the links!

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