Monday, June 17, 2013

I'm re-starting the journey

Here's me... Here's what I'm doing to lose weight and get in shape for the trip of a lifetime.  Thirty-One is paying for me and my HOT (Husband of Thirty-One) to travel to the Dominican Republic, all expenses paid!  My littlest is no longer nursing and I do NOT have one on the way, so there's no better time to get in shape and healthy to feel good and look great on this amazing trip!

On this blog, I'll be sharing my daily details.  What I'm eating, apps I love, what work outs I am doing.  So that this doesn't clog the Facebook feeds of the uninterested, but is there because it's working and let's face it- when someone is having weight loss success, everyone wants to know what she's doing! Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Just found your new blog! You look great!! Excited to get caught up on what you're doing!
