Saturday, October 12, 2013

Staying Motivated through the Holidays

So, while I didn't "exactly" reach my goal for our trip, it was AMAZING and I felt great.  Now that we're back, and the holidays and fall are approaching, I went quickly from vacation mode and continued it at home.  But, I don't want January to come this year and me to be where I was last January.  I want to do better...

So, I am made a motivation board for my kitchen:

The bright squares are printed on Post It notes- quotes that I liked from Pinterest and then some images that I liked as well.  They are motivating for sure!  The blue notes stand for days of the week and are stapled together.  I cross off one each day that I get a work out in.  The yellow note is to cross off the pounds.  The pink is my meal "plan" calorie wise- breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner to be within my daily calories. 

I also recently got a FitBit- found one for 1/2 price at Target, and love the challenge!  Last night, I was doing jacks to get to my 10,000 mark.  I think the calorie burn might be a little low so I can't wait to try out a heart rate monitor to compare the two.

First weigh in after refocusing is tomorrow.  I cheated and weighed on Wednesday- noticed a positive change! :)  

Hope that helps someone else!

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome. Thank you for sharing. I really want to do the same thing. I need to find my motivation again. :-)
