Then, we were happy to announce that our family is expanding!
I had nausea and general crud just like my son, but I kept with my workouts and semi-good eating, save for a week-long trip to Disneyland where I ate whatever I wanted and loved every minute. :)
Well, just like my pg with my son, I had some bleeding (resolved sub chronic hemotoma) at 13 weeks and took a week off, but am back to it. And now that Christmas is over, I am back to a regular work out routine plus eating well.
So, what does that mean to me? It means that I am going to hit my goal of 3-4 days/week at the gym plus log my foods in to MyFitnessPal daily.
I hate feeling hungry so I also want to work towards the Trim Healthy Mama
Ok, what else? Drink. My. Water. I know it sounds SO easy. I bought a new water bottle to help. One that won't spill since I am still homeschooling and running a large direct sales business at home daily, on top of everything else!
Why is this important to me?
On top of just being good for you, I know that a healthy eating plan is what my baby needs. It will make post partum recovery easier and labor and delivery easier too. I listen to my body and modify when needed when working out, but just getting out and being active is SO good for me. Not to mention the stress relief it brings. I'm currently participating in R.I.P.P.E.D. Total Body Challenge
We're also moving at about week 37-38 week and as a VBAC (once a c-section, I am always classified a VBAC despite 2 successful VBACs including 1 WBAC), I want to prevent any "reason" for my new provider to push a repeat section on me and my baby.
So, with that, I promise to update more frequently. I know a lot of my friends are trying to do better in the new year and many are interested in the THM lifestyle plan as well. Two groups that I am in and find helpful:
THM Beginners
THM Recipe Swap
Hope you all had a marvelous Christmas! Here's to a healthy 2015 for us all!